Blue Prints

Blue Prints – Week 8

Circle Up: Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking. Do Ask a question based on each family member’s favorite color:RED or PINK – Who is one person you are thankful for?YELLOW – What is one thing outside that you are thankful for?BLUE – What is something you are thankful you can do?GREEN or ORANGE – What is one food you are thankful for?PURPLE – What is one thing in our home that you are thankful for? Say Wehave so much to be thankful for, and that makes me happy! No matter what we are feeling, we can know that God is greater than our feelings! Let me hear you say this after me: Elementary (ES)God Is Greater (show muscles)Than My Feelings When I’m Thankful(make an emoji face, like sadness,anger, excitement, etc.) Preschool (PS)I Feel Happy (point to smile)(two thumbs up) PRAISE & WORSHIP Here are three awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time:   Watch Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below:   When King Jehoshaphat was feeling sad and scared, how did he deal with those feelings?How do you know that God is greater than how you’re feeling? When the king in today’s Bible story was scared, what did he do? (Prayed, thanked God, asked God for help) Have Fun Together Build a “Thankful Chain” as a reminder that being thankful helps us feel better when our feelings seem out of control. Do 1. Gather some paper and cut it into strips.2. Have each family member say a few things they are thankful for, and write each one a paper strip.3. Loop the paper strips around each other to create a paper chain. You can use tape, glue, a stapler, or paper clips to connect the paper loops around each other.4. Add to the chain as you continue to find things to be thankful for and see how long it can get!   SAY Our Thankful Chain can help us remember that no matter how we are feeling, we can be thankful because we know that God is with us, and He is greater than our feelings! Say this after me one more time: Elementary (ES)God Is Greater (show muscles)Than My Feelings When I’m Thankful(make an emoji face, like sadness,anger, excitement, etc.) Preschool (PS)I Feel Happy (point to smile)(two thumbs up) Play Practice saying the verse together a few times, having your child repeat each line with the motions. See if your child can tell you the verse without any help, and give them a treat for working hard to memorize it! Elementary (ES) But even if we (thumbs to chest) Don’t feel at ease, (cross arms)God is greater (point up) Than our feelings (pat heart) And He knows everything. (arms out wide)1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) Preschool (PS)God is greater (point up)Than our feelings (pat heart)And He knows (point up)Everything. (arms out wide)1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) PrayFather God, You are greater than everything we face and feel, and we are so thankful that You know everything! Whenever our feelings start to get out of control, help us remember to STOP, LOOK, and LISTEN to You. We love You! Amen! Colouring Sheets

Blue Prints – Week 7

Circle Up: Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking. Do Grab a ball and call it a “wrecking ball.” Toss it back and forth three times, then have the person holding the ball say what makes them feel better when they are feeling sad or down. Repeat until everyone has shared. Say We all have different things that make us feel better when we’re feeling down.When we’re dealing with feelings of sadness, we can remember that Godcomforts us! Another way to help us feel happy if we’re feeling down is to bethankful! So let me hear you say this after me: Elementary (ES) When I Feel Down, (point to frown)God Comforts Me (hug self) Preschool (PS)I Feel Happy (point to smile)When I’m Thankful (two thumbs up) PRAISE & WORSHIP Here are three awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time: Watch Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below: How did you see God comforting Jonah in today’s Bible story? What has made you or your friends feel sad or down? What can you remember and do the next time you feel that way? (God comforts me, I can talk to Him & others) Who can you talk to when you feel down? How does it make you feel when you say, “Thank you?” Have Fun Together Each family member will create their own “Thankful Stone” as a reminder that being thankful helps us feel better when our feelings seem out of control. Do 1. Find a rock for each family member. Then wash and dry the rocks.2. Have each family member decorate their thankful stone using markers, paint, washi tape, temporary tattoos, etc.3. Here are some ways that you can use your stones to help you be thankful: • Have each person say one thing they’re thankful for and place their stone in a special bowl or jar.• At a meal, pass one thankful stone and have each person share one thing they are thankful for.• When your feelings are out of control, hold one of your thankful stones as you pray and tell God, “Thank You,” for what you see around you. Play Practice saying the series memory verse while tossing the “wrecking ball” to each other. Whoever catches it on the last word (“20”) is out, or they have to do an exercise or something silly. Elementary (ES) But even if we (thumbs to chest) Don’t feel at ease, (cross arms)God is greater (point up) Than our feelings (pat heart) And He knows everything. (arms out wide)1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) Preschool (PS)God is greater (point up)Than our feelings (pat heart)And He knows (point up)Everything. (arms out wide)1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) PrayFather God, we are so thankful that You’re always here to comfort us. Help us to feel that You are with us today. You are the best, and we love You! Amen! Colouring Sheets

Blue Prints – Week 6

Circle Up: Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking. Ask If you had your own TV show, what would it be about? Say As we watch today’s show, we’re going to see someone deal with feeling mad and angry. When we feel angry, God helps us by giving us something called self-control. So here’s what we need to know today — say it after me: Elementary (ES) When I Feel Angry,  (palms on cheeks)God Gives Me Self-Control (reach forward and pull fists in) Preschool (PS)When I Feel Angry,  (palms on cheeks)God (point up)Helps Me (hands in front, palms up)   PRAISE & WORSHIP Here are three awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time: Watch Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below: What makes you feel angry? Which one of these would help you deal with your anger? • Pray• Walk away for a few minutes• Take 10 deep breaths• Yell into a pillow• Read the Bible• Run some laps or do jumping jacks• Talk to someone older who follows Is it OK to feel mad? (Yes)Is it OK to do wrong thingswhen you are mad? (No)Who can help you do theright things when you aremad? (God) Have Fun Together Construct an “Anger Tape Measure” to help your child explain their feelings when they are mad or angry. Do 1. Grab five sheets of paper and number them with large numbers one through five.2. Tape them together vertically with number one at the bottom and number five at the top. This is your anger tape measure!3. Ask your family where their anger would measure up to on the tape measure in the following situations — the higher the number, the more angry you feel. Talk about ways they can have self-control in these situations.• When someone takes something that belongs to them• When they get in trouble or get a bad grade• When they lose a game• When they don’t get to do what they want to do• When someone yells at them or says mean things• When they are hungry4. Hang your anger tape measure some place you can easily see and use it. Play Practice saying the series memory verse together a few times, and then play a game. Find something that spins, like a fidget spinner, top, or bottle. Spin the item and see if your family can say the verse together before it stops:   Elementary (ES)But even if we (thumbs to chest) Don’t feel at ease, (cross arms)God is greater (point up)Than our feelings (pat heart) And He knows everything. (arms out wide) 1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) Preschool (PS)God is greater (point up)Than our feelings (pat heart)And He knows (point up)Everything. (arms out wide)1 John 3:20 (make book with hands)   PrayJesus, thank You for loving us when we’re scared or worried about being perfect. We know that You are with us and ready to help. We love You! Amen. Colouring Sheets

Blue Prints – Week 5

Circle Up: Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking. Do Have each family member choose a number between one and nine. Then have them make a face to reflect the emotion that goes with each number: 1 – Silly 2 – Mad  3 – Scared 4 – Sad5 – Happy 6 – Excited 7 – Nervous8 – Frustrated 9 – Confused Say When you feel bad for something you have done wrong, that’s called feeling guilty. When we’re feeling guilty for something we did or we’re feeling really mad, we can remember that Jesus forgives us and and that God will help us! Say this after me: Elementary (ES) When I Feel Guilty,  (look at ground, hand over eyes) Jesus Forgives Me (hold arms out wide) Preschool (PS)When I’m Mad, (make mad face)God  (point up)Helps Me (hands in front, palms up) PRAISE & WORSHIP Here are two awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time: Elementary Worship:   Preschool Worship: Watch Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below:   Have you ever done something that made you feel guilty? How does knowing Jesus forgives you whenyou ask help you deal with how you feel? The next time you feel guilty about something, what are you going to do? Who can help you when you are mad? (God, family, siblings, etc.) Have Fun Together Build a “Shaker” to help your child shake all their fears and insecurities away as they remember that God is with them and only wants their best. Play Do the following to help your kids walk through emotions of feeling guilty or mad. PLAY “Caution Tape Wrap Up” with your Elementary Schooler: Have two family members work together to wrap up another family member with “Caution Tape” – blankets, streamers, toilet paper, etc. (If you have more than three family members, you can make it a competition to see who can wrap up one family member the fastest!) After they’re finished wrapping, have the family member break free from the “Caution Tape.” SAY to your Elementary Schooler:Sometimes we may find ourselves all wrapped up, but not with a blanket or streamers — with feelings of guilt! When we’re wrapped up in what we’ve done wrong, it can seem like we’ll never get out of feeling bad. But to break free from feeling guilty, all we have to do is ask Jesus to forgive us, and He will! When we remember that Jesus forgives us, we can accept his forgiveness and move on!   BUILD a “Safe Zone” with your Preschooler: Print the Stop, Look, & Listen Signs, or draw your own. Then find a spot in your home away from distractions to be your child’s safe zone. Place the signs there, along with something soft to rest on and/or yell into to let out frustration or anger. Add 2-3books or toys that your child loves. SAY to Preschooler: When you feel mad, head to your “safe zone!” While in the “zone,” take afew deep breaths and ask God to help you! God will hear you, and He will help you! PrayFather God, we’re sorry for the wrong things we’ve done. Thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, to take our punishment so that we can be forgiven by You. Help us do the right things when we’re mad, and please free us from feelings of guilt. We love You! Amen.Jesus, thank You for loving us when we’re scared or worried about being perfect. We know that You are with us and ready to help. We love You! Amen. Colouring Sheets

Blue Prints – Week 4

Circle Up: Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking. Ask Ask a question based on each person’s favourite colour. RED or PINK – Which would be scarier to touch: a spider, a snake, or neither?YELLOW – What makes you feel better when you are worried or scared?BLUE – What makes you feel scared: loud noises, the dark, or neither?GREEN or ORANGE – What do you like to do when you feel worried or scared?PURPLE – Would you feel more worried if you had to climb a tall ladder or dig ina tunnel underground? Say We can all feel worried or scared sometimes, but when we do, we can trustthat God is with us and taking care of us! So let me hear you say this after me: Elementary (ES) When I Feel Worried,  (palms on cheeks)I can trust God. (point up) Preschool (PS)When I’m Scared, (make scared face)God Is (point up)With Me (thumbs to chest) PRAISE & WORSHIP Here are two awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time: Watch Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below: When you feel worried, what can you remember about God? (He’s always with me, I can trust Him because … ) When was a time that you trusted God? (Take turns sharing) What are two things you can remember about God when you feel scared? Have Fun Together Work with your family to build a “Tower of Fear.” Do 1. Take turns stacking blocks to build a tall tower. For each block someone adds, have them say something that makes them feel worried or scared.2. After your family has completed the tower, allow your kids to knock it down!3. Have a race to see how fast you can clean up all the blocks! Play Practice saying the memory verse together a few times, then play “Muddy Boots.” Sit in a circle and have everyone put their feet in the middle. Going around the circle, have each person stomp as the they say the next word of the verse. Whoever stomps their foot on “20” is out. Play until one foot is left. Elementary (ES)But even if we (thumbs to chest) Don’t feel at ease, (cross arms) God is greater (point up) Than our feelings (pat heart) And He knows everything. (arms out wide) 1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) Preschool (PS)God is greater (point up)Than our feelings (pat heart)And He knows (point up)Everything. (arms out wide) 1 John 3:20 (make book with hands)   PrayFather God, thank You for all the ways You have taken care of us. We chooseright now to trust You instead of worrying. We have nothing to fear becausewe have You. We love You! Amen! Colouring Sheets

Blue Prints – Week 3

Circle Up: Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking. Ask What is one of your greatest talents — show or tell us about it!Would you feel scared or nervous to perform your talent on a big stage? Say I’m so thankful that God has given us each other. But even though we have family members and friends who love us, we may still feel lonely or sad sometimes. That’s why we need to know this today — say it after me: Elementary (ES) When I Feel I Need to be Perfect,  (fists closed in front of body)Jesus Only Wants My Best (palms up in front of body) Preschool (PS)When I’m Scared, (make scared face)God Is (point up)With Me (thumbs to chest) PRAISE & WORSHIP Here are two awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time: Watch Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below: Is there anything you feel like you have to do perfectly? When you feel like you need to be perfect, what truth can you remember from God’s Word? (He knows you’re not perfect and loves you anyway; He only wants your best) When you are feeling scared, what can you remember? (That God is with you) Have Fun Together Build a “Shaker” to help your child shake all their fears and insecurities away as they remember that God is with them and only wants their best. Do 1. Gather each of the following materials for each shaker you are making.• Empty bottle, jar, or small container with a lid• Small items (like dry beans, beads, rice, etc.)• Strong glue (to secure the lid)• Decorations (markers, crayons, stickers, etc.)2. Have your child place the small items in the empty container.3. Glue the container shut and allow your child to decorate it. Play Choose a game to play as a family (board game, card game, or outdoor game like tag). As you play, encourage your kids to do their best and deal with their feelings along the way. Here are some ways you can help them do that: • If they want to quit, have them STOP and name what they’re really feeling, LOOK at how they still have a chance to win, and LISTEN towhat God says is right, which is to not give up when times are hard. • If they win, have them STOP for a second, LOOK around to see how the way they are celebrating is making others feel, and then LISTEN to what God says about loving others, being thankful, or not bragging. • If they try to cheat, have them STOP and LOOK at what they’re doing. Then ask them if that’s what God wants them to do, and remind them to LISTEN to Him and do what’s right as they give their best. PrayJesus, thank You for loving us when we’re scared or worried about being perfect. We know that You are with us and ready to help. We love You! Amen. Colouring Sheets

Blue Prints – Week 2

Circle Up: Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking. Ask Would you rather have a family movie night or a family game night?Would you rather eat pizza together or grill hamburgers together?Would you rather have a karaoke contest or do a Lego challenge together? Say I’m so thankful that God has given us each other. But even though we havefamily members and friends who love us, we may still feel lonely or sadsometimes. That’s why we need to know this today — say it after me: Elementary (ES) When I Feel Lonely, (thumbs down)Jesus Is With Me (point up) Preschool (PS)When I’m Sad, (make sad face)God (both hands point up)Loves Me (hug self)SAY PRAISE & WORSHIP Here are two awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time: Watch Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below: When is a time that you have felt lonely? (Parents, share too, and explain how you felt Jesus’ presence during that time) When you feel lonely, what truth can you remember from God’s Word? (That He is always with you)   When Jonah was feeling sad inside the fish’s belly, what did he do? (He prayed) Can you pray and talk to God when you’re sad? (Yes,because He loves you) Have Fun Together Create a set of “Stop, Look, & Listen” Signs, and put them in a place where your family will remember to use them when their emotions are feeling out of control.  Do 1.Draw your own signs like the ones below 2. When you’re finished, hang the signs on your refrigerator or in a helpful place where your child can go to deal with their feelings. 3. Remind your child what each sign reminds us to do, or see if they can tell you: • STOP – stop, take a breath, and name what you are feeling • LOOK – look at what is really going on in the situation • LISTEN – listen to what God says by praying, reading the Bible, or thinking about a Bible verse you have memorized. Play Practice saying the memory verse together a few times, then play “Muddy Boots.” Sit in a circle and have everyone put their feet in the middle. Going around the circle, have each person stomp as the they say the next word of the verse. Whoever stomps their foot on “20” is out. Play until one foot is left. Elementary (ES)But even if we (thumbs to chest)Don’t feel at ease, (cross arms)God is greater (point up) Than our feelings (pat heart)And He knows (point up)Everything. (arms out wide) 1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) Preschool (PS)God is greater (point up)Than our feelings (pat heart) And He knows everything. (arms out wide)1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) PrayJesus, thank You for always being with us. Help us to remember that You arehere and that You love us, especially when we feel sad and lonely. We loveYou! Amen. Colouring Sheets

Blue Prints – Week 1

Circle Up: Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking. Ask If you could build anything in the world, what would you want to build? Say In this new series, we’re going to work on building our lives on God’s Word sothat we will know how to deal with everything we feel. God gave us all somany different emotions, and He wants us to use them in the right way. So letme hear you say this after me: Elementary (ES) I Need to Deal (pound fist on flat palm) With How I Feel (fist to heart) Preschool (PS)When I’m Sad, (make sad face)God (both hands point up)Loves Me (hug self) PRAISE & WORSHIP Here are two awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time: Watch Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below: What are some different ways you can deal with these feelings when you have them—sad, scared, embarrassed, angry? Which emotion is hardest for you to deal with and why? What does it mean to deal with how you feel? (Stop, Look, and Listen to what God says is best)   When you’re feeling sad, what can you remember? (That God loves you) Have Fun Together Help each member of your family build a “Happy Box” that you can take out and look through whenever your feelings begin to get out of control. Do 1. Find a box for each family member (like a shoe box or plastic container)2. Have each family member place 2-3 things in their box that make themfeel happy (like a family photo, small stuffed animal, or special rock theyfound)3. Decorate your boxes together with markers, crayons, stickers, etc. Say When we feel sad, scared, embarrassed, or angry, we need to remember thatGod loves us and those feelings will not last forever. When you look at the things in your box, remember that God loves you and will help you deal with how you feel. Say this after me one more time: Elementary (ES) I Need to Deal (pound fist on flat palm) With How I Feel (fist to heart) Preschool (PS)When I’m Sad, (make sad face)God (both hands point up)Loves Me (hug self) Play Practice saying the series memory verse together a few times, and then play a game. Find something that spins, like a fidget spinner, top, or bottle. Spin the item and see if your family can say the verse together before it stops: Elementary (ES)But even if we (thumbs to chest) Don’t feel at ease, (cross arms) God is greater (point up) Than our feelings (pat heart)And He knows (point up)Everything. (arms out wide) 1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) Preschool (PS)God is greater (point up)Than our feelings (pat heart) And He knows everything. (arms out wide)1 John 3:20 (make book with hands) PrayFather God, thank You for giving us feelings. Please help us to stop, look, and listen to You so that we can know the best thing to do. We trust that You will help us because You love us. We love You! Amen! Colouring Sheets