Circle Up:

Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking.


Ask a question based on each person’s favourite colour.

RED or PINK – Which would be scarier to touch: a spider, a snake, or neither?
YELLOW – What makes you feel better when you are worried or scared?
BLUE – What makes you feel scared: loud noises, the dark, or neither?
GREEN or ORANGE – What do you like to do when you feel worried or scared?
PURPLE – Would you feel more worried if you had to climb a tall ladder or dig in
a tunnel underground?


We can all feel worried or scared sometimes, but when we do, we can trust
that God is with us and taking care of us! So let me hear you say this after me:

Elementary (ES)
When I Feel Worried,  (palms on cheeks)
I can trust God. (point up)

Preschool (PS)
When I’m Scared, (make scared face)
God Is (point up)
With Me (thumbs to chest)


Here are two awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time:


Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below:

When you feel worried, what can you remember about God? (He’s always with me, I can trust Him because … ) When was a time that you trusted God? (Take turns sharing)

What are two things you can remember about God when you feel scared?

Have Fun Together

Work with your family to build a “Tower of Fear.”


1. Take turns stacking blocks to build a tall tower. For each block someone adds, have them say something that makes them feel worried or scared.
2. After your family has completed the tower, allow your kids to knock it down!
3. Have a race to see how fast you can clean up all the blocks!


Practice saying the memory verse together a few times, then play “Muddy Boots.” Sit in a circle and have everyone put their feet in the middle. Going around the circle, have each person stomp as the they say the next word of the verse. Whoever stomps their foot on “20” is out. Play until one foot is left.

Elementary (ES)
But even if we (thumbs to chest) 
Don’t feel at ease, (cross arms) 
God is greater (point up) 
Than our feelings (pat heart) 
And He knows everything. (arms out wide) 1 John 3:20 (make book with hands)

Preschool (PS)
God is greater (point up)
Than our feelings (pat heart)
And He knows (point up)
Everything. (arms out wide)

1 John 3:20 (make book with hands)


Father God, thank You for all the ways You have taken care of us. We choose
right now to trust You instead of worrying. We have nothing to fear because
we have You. We love You! Amen!