Circle Up:

Use this time to gather together and get everyone talking.


Would you rather have a family movie night or a family game night?
Would you rather eat pizza together or grill hamburgers together?
Would you rather have a karaoke contest or do a Lego challenge together?


I’m so thankful that God has given us each other. But even though we have
family members and friends who love us, we may still feel lonely or sad
sometimes. That’s why we need to know this today — say it after me:

Elementary (ES)
When I Feel Lonely, (thumbs down)
Jesus Is With Me (point up)

Preschool (PS)
When I’m Sad, (make sad face)
God (both hands point up)
Loves Me (hug self)


Here are two awesome videos that will get you and the kids moving and worshiping in no time:


Watch today’s Preschool and/or Elementary video here below:

When is a time that you have felt lonely? (Parents, share too, and explain how you felt Jesus’ presence during that time) When you feel lonely, what truth can you remember from God’s Word? (That He is always with you)


When Jonah was feeling sad inside the fish’s belly, what did he do? (He prayed) Can you pray and talk to God when you’re sad? (Yes,
because He loves you)

Have Fun Together

Create a set of “Stop, Look, & Listen” Signs, and put them in a place where your family will remember to use them when their emotions are feeling out of control. 


1.Draw your own signs like the ones below

2. When you’re finished, hang the signs on your refrigerator or in a helpful place where your child can go to deal with their feelings.

3. Remind your child what each sign reminds us to do, or see if they can tell you:

• STOP – stop, take a breath, and name what you are feeling

• LOOK – look at what is really going on in the situation

• LISTEN – listen to what God says by praying, reading the Bible, or thinking about a Bible verse you have memorized.


Practice saying the memory verse together a few times, then play “Muddy Boots.” Sit in a circle and have everyone put their feet in the middle. Going around the circle, have each person stomp as the they say the next word of the verse. Whoever stomps their foot on “20” is out. Play until one foot is left.

Elementary (ES)
But even if we (thumbs to chest)
Don’t feel at ease, (cross arms)
God is greater (point up)
Than our feelings (pat heart)
And He knows (point up)
Everything. (arms out wide)
 1 John 3:20 (make book with hands)

Preschool (PS)
God is greater (point up)
Than our feelings (pat heart)
And He knows everything. (arms out wide)
1 John 3:20 (make book with hands)

Jesus, thank You for always being with us. Help us to remember that You are
here and that You love us, especially when we feel sad and lonely. We love
You! Amen.