Suit Up – Week 3

Need to know: Suit up with Godliness

With the sword of the Spirit

Bible story: Gideon (Judges 6:1-32)

Praise and worship:

Let’s celebrate being superheroes who are SUITED UP with some praise and worship.


Open with prayer. Focus on entering into God’s presence. This frame work for effective prayer will help you with that.

Ice breaker:

Choose your weapon!

Choose your weapons…what are some weapons that we might see or hear about? Display several pictures of modern or ancient weapons, like swords, guns, tanks, or bows and arrows. Do these seem like big and powerful weapons? Next, hold up for students a water pitcher, a flashlight, and a party horn or instrument. Do these seem like good weapons? Maybe not so much…but with God, anything is possible!


Start out by discussing things that might be scary. What are students afraid of? Why are these things nerve-wracking? Describe how the story they will hear today has to do with some scary-sounding elements.

The Bible story covers a bit of length, so it might be best to paraphrase parts of it, or for younger students most of it. At this time of the Bible, the people of Israel were ruled by judges. Explain that a judge was sort of like a governor or special leader that could help people. Set the stage by explaining that the people of God often made mistakes and did not obey Him. When this happened, sometimes enemies came and took over their land.


Wow, did you catch that? God does not point out that Gideon is scared and without courage. God encourages him and speaks life into his situation. The Sword of the Spirit works the same way in our lives. Holy Spirit does not humiliate us. He corrects us by speaking life into our situation. With the Sword of the Spirit we can fight off the accusations of the enemy that tries to frighten us into hiding.

The sword of the spirit gives us the courage to come out of hiding and to do what God has called us to do. And we fight off the lies that make usfeel too small, too ashamed to do what God wants us to do.

Repeat memory verse:

Put on (Pretend to put on helmet)

All of God’s Armor (Reach from head to toes)

Then you (Point to others)

Can remain strong (Show muscles)

Ephesians 6:11 (Show six fingers. Then show both index fingers)

Activity (spending time):

Reflect again on how God fulfills His promises and does amazing things through His people. Gideon might have been afraid and doubtful, but he knew He could trust God. And so can we! We might not think we are special or strong, but we don’t have to be. We just need to be willing to let God work through us. And we know He will give us what He promises, because He sent the savior Jesus, just like He said He would!

  1. Name one time when God came through for you when you had no hope.
  2. Identify an area of your life where you need to use the Sword of The Spirit


Close with prayer and thank God for His power in our lives. Ask for help in trusting Him to do great things and for help not to fear. .

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