Powerful people raise giant slayers. As, children grow and experience life, they face “giants” in many forms – the hurts, struggles, fears and temptations of the world that seduce countless young people away from their divine call to represent Jesus in both purity and power. It is vital for parents to train children to defeat these giants – to become giant-killers.

A parent’s priority is to gradually transfer a child’s dependence away from them until it rests solely on God. Parents, you are called to be the primary disciple makers of your households. You must lead intentionally. Remember, no one can impact and lead your children like you.
Transferring dependence
It is our goal and purpose to transfer our children’s dependance from us to God. We need to model dependence on God.

Love your God

Ask yourself, how important is your faith in the likelihood that your children will also become people of faith?

Lead your family

What does it mean to lead your family? It is to prioritise the right things. It’s the job of the parent to keep the children focused on what’s most important. Unfortunately, the norm is what the children are involved in has become the most important thing to us.

What children need:
God’s training corral consists of important areas that, when brought together, will result in a parent’s ability to train up a child according to his or her way.

Loving Touch
The need for touch is neurologically and sociobiologically based. Children (and adults) derive great comfort and peace from safe and kind human touch.
Abundant Time
Abundant time with our kids require intentionality. Our children need our focus and attention more than what they need stuff. They need us to take an interest in the things that are important to them, even if it is not something that interest us.
Encouraging Talk
We need to use our words to encourage our children and encourage them by speaking life over them. We need to speak the Word over them and remind them of their God-given identity.
Godly Discipline

Parental expectations
- We expect first time and cheerful obedience.
Parents discipline more for attitude than actions. God is more concerned about the heart of your child and any lack of cheerfully executing the instruction is outward obedience with a heart kicking and screaming rebelliously against it’s authority.

2. We agree to never discipline in anger
Believers are to make dealing with anger a priority. Otherwise, bitterness or the desire for vengeance can grow, leading to more sinful thoughts and actions. Anger can be a helpful emotion, yet must be handled carefully and quickly to avoid leading to sin. It is not meant to be “lived in,” only “dealt with.”

- We will discipline promptly with instruction and reconciliation